Norval Quarry Decision Time; Natural Heritage Policy Applied with Unprecedented Rigour

By Janet KuzniarThe City of Brampton Council will be presented a Recommendation Report by their Planning staff on Monday September 8, 7:00 pm, Brampton Council Chambers, Brampton City Hall.The Report, based on peer reviews, recommends NOT supporting the Norval Quarry rezoning from agricultural to industrial extractive. There is a strong ecological component to this report, as the subject lands are dominated by key ecological features such as mature woodlands, watercourses, and provincially protected wetlands. This is the first time that the recently mapped  Natural Heritage System in Peel has had a quarry application, and a rigorous analysis by the City of Brampton has shown that the Norval Quarry fails the policy test. Strong public attendance is needed at the Planning Committee meeting September 8, 7:00 pm at Brampton City Hall, to help support Council's will to continue oppose the quarry at the OMB with as much rigour as possible. The proposed Norval Quarry is in the Greenbelt in NW Brampton, and is divided by a main tributary of the Credit River. It is a key piece of land in creating a connected corridor for pedestrians, cyclist, as well as wildlife. Game changing Recommendation Report on the Brampton Brick rezoning for the Norval Quarry available at :