Now you can paint a room with climate change—Seriously!
You probably think this is some kind of joke, right? Actually, it’s not. Home Depot now has a paint colour called climate change (S350–1). I’m not sure why they chose a cream colour for it, but that’s not the point.We seem to have gone from having very little mainstream media attention to climate change to now portraying it like it’s old news and kind of blasé. Over the past weeks, I’ve noticed more and more news reports of catastrophic climate events, like the rapidly melting ice shelf in the Antarctic, the severe drought in the southwestern US, and even the toxic blue-green algae blooms in our region’s lakes. Yet there doesn’t seem to be a corresponding sense of alarm—one that says, “OK, everybody out of the pool while we figure this out.”Somehow our governments are willing to take decisive action when it comes to COVID-19 but not with the climate crisis. Sure, politicians are expressing their concern about climate change, and telling us how they’re leading the way on climate action. But when you look at the data or the policies or the subsidies to oil and gas industries or the clearcutting, let’s face it—it just doesn’t add up.Yet while we circle the drain, we’re being denied a moment of collective shock—the kind of shock and alarm we experienced when our lives were turned upside down by COVID.So before you resign yourself to buying a can of climate change paint, I’m here to tell you, you’re not crazy. What’s crazy is a TV weather anchor gleefully announcing record high temperatures before the official start of summer, or a government allowing gold mining companies to destroy large swaths of land in Mi’kma’ki for a few gold rings, or cutting down one more tree in the name of economic growth.As the greenwashing and normalizing narratives get stronger, let’s remind ourselves—and each other—that we have the power to change how this story ends. RemindersInvisible Hand Film Screening Starts Tonight (Monday, June 14)!Join us for a virtual screening of the award-winning film Invisible Hand, a documentary exploring the global rights of nature movement, starting at 7:30pm (available for 24 hours). Register here for the link.Tuesday, June 15, 7:30pm – follow-up Q & A with CELDF community organizersThe following evening, please join us for a Q&A with organizers from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), featured in the documentary. They’ll talk about the rights of nature and community rights movements and how they can serve as an organizing tool for environmental action and greater democracy.Register here for the Zoom link (If you register for the screening, you’re automatically registered for the Q&A). Decolonizing Book Club: Our biweekly meeting has been moved to Thursday this week (7:30pm). If you missed the first meeting and have not registered yet, you can still join by registering here. To learn more about the Decolonizing Book Club, visit our webpage or Decolonizing Facebook Group.Last but not least — In the news“Canada could reach one-third of its greenhouse gas reduction targets by making better use of its vast forests, prairies and wetlands, says a report by more than three dozen scientists. The researchers from universities, governments and environmental groups say a good portion of those emissions cuts could be made for under $50 a tonne…” From: Natural climate solutions are available to help Canada meet emissions targets, new study says (CBC) I hope to see you at one of our events this week!Tynettetynetted@sierraclub.caWant to support this work? Consider becoming a member for only $15/yr. Sierra Club Canada Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.Become a member