Pollinator Progress at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Earlier this June we partnered with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to host a Pollinator Party at Heart Lake Conservation Area. The weather was great and we were thankful to have the 19 volunteers from Peel region who helped with light gardening and maintenance at the Medicine Wheel Garden and meadow plots.

Before we began work on the gardens the Four Colors Drumming Circle hosted an Aboriginal Drumming Ceremony and storytelling session to welcome spring and educate people on the features of the Medicine Wheel Garden (Gitigaan Mashkiki). It was a really neat experience which engaged everyone and connected us to the work we were about to do.

After a long winter and spring without garden maintenance the plots were densely overgrown with weeds and required some much needed attention, so participants helped to remove invasive thistle and weeds. The volunteers also planted 400 native wildflowers which enhanced an area of 100 m2 and will provide habitat for native pollinator species like bees, butterflies (specifically Monarchs), and other insects whose populations are declining globally.

This event was a great opportunity for participants to learn about the importance of natural spaces and gain an understanding of and appreciation for healthy and diverse ecosystems.


Thank you to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Ontario Trillium Foundation for their financial support.


Plant ID and Maintenance Guidehttp://www.trca.on.ca/dotAsset/149974.pdf