People demonstrate for the Canada Emissions Cap Now next to an image of forest fires and smoke

Tell Government to Improve the Emissions Cap and Make it Happen Now!

Read the facts on the emissions cap with sources here, and send a message below!

The Government of Canada has released their draft of the emissions cap framework that they announced at COP28. We know the oil and gas industry is pushing hard to ensure they don’t do their fair share to keep climate pollution down. Leaders need to hear from you now so they know they need to show climate courage. Write in to the government, Prime Minister, and Environment and Natural Resources Ministers now and make it clear that:

  • The emissions cap must be implemented without delay and real progress means supporting local renewables. There must be no loopholes or exemptions for the oil and gas industry. The measures that are proposed in the cap are a good first step but they should be made stronger.
  • Communities across the country, and Indigenous communities in particular, are suffering as a result of the oil and gas industry’s lack of action to tackle industry emissions.
  • The cap has majority support among Canadians and an emissions cap is an issue of fairness to Canadians, who should not be asked to pay to clean up the oil and gas industry’s mess because these corporations won’t do their part to tackle climate change.

Even if you’ve already taken action elsewhere make sure you have your voice heard! It only takes a second!