Agricultural Drainage and the Environment Conference
For registration, click here!Presentations from a range of speakers including Dr. John Pomeroy – Global Institute for Water Security, the Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Association, and the School of Environment and Sustainability – U of S will cover many topics such as:Overview of water quality impacts of agricultural with a focus on drainage: Highlights of the Qu’Appelle River Qu’Appelle Watershed Land-Use and Water Quality StudyTo Drain or not to Drain? Farming with Wetlands. The hydrology of wetland drainage in prairie potholes.The “Plowprint” Report for Habitat Loss on the Canadian PrairiesCarbon Losses from Wetland DrainageAgricultural Water Management Strategy and a New Mitigation Policy for Agricultural Drainage Licencing in SaskatchewanThe Challenges of Accumulative Effects in Federal and Provincial Environmental AssessmentMitigation of Wetland Loss for Industries in SaskatchewanA Producers Viewpoint on the Benefits of Agricultural Drainage and proposed mitigationAn Environment View of Agricultural Drainage and the Agricultural Water Management StrategyFirst Nations perspective on farmland drainage impact to land, water and rights. When a Water Problem is more than a water Problem: Fragmentation, Framing and the Case of Agricultural Wetland Drainage.There will also be an avenue to express your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions on this issue during question periods and round table discussions. Book your stay with Travelodge for a special discount rate by calling 306-586-3443 and use the block code 110519CEA. Presented by the following partners: