How the Carbon Tax Got Alberta Off Coal and Could Reduce Future Wildfires

The Environment in Canada Podcast Episode 19 on the Carbon Tax, Alberta Getting off Coal, and Future Wildfires

Read our full fact sheet on the Carbon Tax.


At the end of the day what the climate-concerned and those concerned about inflation (and there’s a lot of overlap there) share is a concern about future generations and our families.

Carbon Tax Coal Wildfires episode page of The Environment in Canada Podcast, picture of coalFar from mutually exclusive we can have a strong carbon pricing system and address inflation. We can have a green future. But to do so means addressing misinformation.

That’s why we’re back for a round-two episode on carbon pricing with Dr. Chris Ragan (an economist at McGill) Dr. Joe Vipond (an emergency physician in Alberta) to talk the truth on the ‘carbon tax.’

We discuss:

  • How carbon pricing actually works and the good it is already doing in reducing industrial emissions and helping to get Alberta off coal.
  • Why the rebate system works.
  • How over 400 economists agree most families get more back and who those economists are.
  • How climate change leads to inflation, especially in terms of food prices.
  • How communications on carbon pricing could improve.
  • Why Canada does need to do something on climate change.
  • Why Canada risks missing economic opportunities without effective climate policies.
  • Answers to the many other questions you may have.

Be sure to send us more of your questions at and sign up for email updates from us.

And don’t forget to take action!

You can also listen to this podcast on the Harbinger Media Network, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Youtube, or wherever you get your podcasts. This podcast also airs bi-weekly on CKUT Radio in Montréal (90.3 FM).