Sierra Club Canada Foundation Annual General Meeting
When: Saturday, June 12, 2021 @ 1-3:30pm Atlantic/ noon – 2:30pm East/ 10am-12:30pm Mtn/9-11:30am Pacific
Where: A virtual meeting via Zoom. Registrants will get the link the day before the event via email
Each year, the Sierra Club Canada Foundation (SCCF) hosts an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where members receive a report on our activities and conduct essential business. This year there are no in-person meeting locations. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting by zoom or conference call.
Some SCCF business, including approval of past minutes, Board elections, and appointing auditors will be conducted during the AGM. If you are unable to attend the AGM itself on Saturday, June 12th you may submit a proxy. Your proxy must be received by midnight June 10th, preferably by email to If you must mail please allow plenty of time for delivery to: PO Box 2007 STN B Ottawa ON K1P 5W3. If you have any difficulties viewing or downloading the form, please email us at
It is important to send in a proxy if you can't attend so that we can ensure we have a quorum to conduct the meeting's business. We appreciate your effort to do so. You can appoint anyone you know who will be attending as your proxy (they do not have to be a member themselves.)
Please take this opportunity to become a member or renew your membership today. Your membership allows you to participate in the Board election, to vote at the meeting, or to appoint a proxy to virtually attend in your place. If you're not sure if you are currently a member please email us at for further details.
The planet needs you now more than ever before.
Thank you for your important commitment to our work!
Kristina Jackson
National Operations Director
P.S.: Here are the links to our audited financial statements, the 2020 AGM draft minutes, the AGM draft agenda, and another link to the proxy form