Equinor Out

Equinor Out is a website dedicated to the international fight against Equinor’s oil and gas expansion

Did you know that 99% of the energy Equinor produces is from fossil fuels?

Equinor Out photo of Equinor Headquarters
Norway´s state-owned oil company Equinor is aggressively pursuing new oil and gas fields all over the world. Instead of transitioning to clean, green energy in line with climate science, its investments, workforce and capital are tied up in fossil fuel projects.

Why we’re stopping Equinor

Norwegian oil company Equinor is aggressively exploring and developing new and existing oil and gas fields globally. Knowledge about its global operations are limited to many, which allows the state-owned company to control the narrative and push a false image of its transition towards renewable energy.

Representing communities in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, UK, Tanzania and Norway, we form a global movement of people and organisations demanding that the Norwegian oil giant Equinor end all exploration of new oil and gas reserves.

Why it matters!

Delve into why the EquinorOut campaign matters and explore the reasons for why we are collectively working to get Equinor out of oil and gas. Research and knowledge on climate change, fossil fuels and low-carbon solutions are the basis of all our efforts. You can use this space to get informed about the consequences of Equinor, and the fossil fuel industry as a whole.

The truth about Equinor’s global projects

Even though Equinor spent millions on rebranding itself away from Statoil to signal how it was moving towards becoming a «broad energy company», it is still very much a fossil fuel company. More than 99% of all the energy Equinor produces are fossil fuels, while less then 1% is renewable energy. Equinor is painting a false picture of its effort to become a climate-neutral company by 2050 by championing false climate solutions that actually prolong the life of oil and gas, like carbon capture and storage (CCS) and electrification of oil and gas production. This happens while the company is doubling down on more oil and gas.

Check out the website today for more and for the latest news!

There are also podcast episodes about the Equinor Out campaign.