For the Love of Sharks! Buy a 100% organic T-shirt today and help further shark education

Education and Action on Threatened and Endangered Sharks in Atlantic Canada

More shark species are found in Atlantic Canada than many people think – yet they also face a myriad of threats, and many populations are now considered endangered.

We are working to increase awareness of the shark biology, habitats, and threats through educational and fun events that celebrate how amazing these ancient creatures are.

Events hosted as part of the For the Love of Sharks project aim to raise the profile of the fate of sharks and are deliberately designed to counter the prevailing view that sharks are deadly predators to be feared, not protected.

So far, the project has successfully engaged volunteers and other stakeholder groups in initiatives centred on awareness and conservation of sharks in Atlantic Canada.

Highlights include:

Hosting a For the Love of Sharks lecture series, with a capacity crowd attending our keynote “Of Sharks and People” delivered by internationally acclaimed scientist Dr. Boris Worm (Watch the lecture : CLICK HERE);

Working with volunteers and local artists to develop ArtShark for Halifax’s annual Nocturne: Art at Night event. At least 300 people participated in the For the Love of Sharks display by creating shark shadow puppets and creating puppet shows. (Pictures…there are some cute ones of kids doing the shows: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE);

Offering a KidShark programing – hands-on educational activities at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History; and

Hosting a For the Love of Sharks Valentine’s Day party (where kids could make their own Valentines sharing why they love sharks!).

Buy your 100% organic shirts today and help further shark education and conservation! Sizes are available for all ages!

Want to show your Love of Sharks in other ways? Take part in our volunteer committee or just contact us to find out more about upcoming events:

You can also share the love by linking to this page on you social media networks.

Sample tweet / Facebook post:

This @worldoceansday, I promise to #LoveSharks! Get a #Shark T-Shirt here: #SaveOurOceans @SierraClubCan @SierraACC

Links to Some Media & Videos that might be useful for the page:

CTV Atlantic TV News Interview “Fear of Sharks” – Emily Dodge, Chair of the For the Love of Sharks Committee: CLICK HERE
News Radio 95.7 – Rick Howe Show (go to 29 min. 26 sec. mark) Interview with Chapter Director Gretchen Fitzgerald: CLICK HERE
Of People and Sharks – Dr. Boris Worm – Keynote Lecture launching For the Love of Sharks: CLICK HERE
Facebook Community – For the Love of Sharks: CLICK HERE
Facebook Event Page – For the Love of Sharks: CLICK HERE
Pictures of some For the Love of Sharks events: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE

For more information contact:

Kelly Schnare, Interim Atlantic Chapter Director
Sierra Club Canada Foundation – Atlantic Canada Chapter
1697 Brunswick St. 1st Floor, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G3
Cell: 902-401-6204
Office Phone: 902-444-3113
Fax: 902-406-0393