Protect What We Love Climate Exhibit of Artifacts from Wildfires, Storms, and Floods

On September 24, 2024 we held a New York City Climate Week exhibit called Protect What We Love of artifacts from wildfires, floods and hurricanes in Canada. There were testimonies of loss and resilience from climate survivors who were in attendance at the exhibit in New York City calling for an emissions cap on oil and gas corporations.

Get the Facts on the Oil and Gas Corporate Emissions Cap.

New York City Climate Week Protect What We Love, Photo from a Wildfire in CanadaWe urge the Canadian federal government to strengthen the emissions cap and protect the hope of millions of people who want to live in a fair and safe country — now, and for generations to come. You can send a message to the government too.

The impacts of worsening wildfires and floods cross borders. A strong emissions cap would not only benefit Canadians, but people across the globe bearing the brunt of extreme climate disasters as fossil fuel emissions rise.

A strong emissions cap could finally hold the biggest polluters accountable to their fair share of emissions reductions.

In Canada, oil and gas corporations are responsible for 31% of total national greenhouse gas emissions. Between 1990 and 2022, emissions from oil sands production grew by 467% and conventional oil production by 24%. Meanwhile, other sectors cut their emissions.

Canada has never met a climate target, and is not on track to meet its 2030 emissions reduction target of 40-45% below 2005 levels. 

A strong emissions cap could safeguard the future for our kids and grandkids. Canada needs to do its part to rein in fossil fuel emissions – to prevent more climate disasters.