The International Day for Biodiversity is on May 22nd

Photo by / par Jared Wolfe
By Jesse Paragamian
The United Nations designated May 22nd as the International Day for Biodiversity. In an increasingly unsure world where global pandemics and foreign conflicts occupy much of our attention, it is important to remember that we are all connected to biodiversity and play a part in its great circle. The International Day for Biodiversity was launched in 1993. It is a vehicle for increasing understanding and awareness of issues that affect biodiversity, and how these issues in turn affect us in our every day lives.
Every species, plant, and person is affected by biodiversity and it plays a significant role in our every day lives. The theme for this year is that of “building a shared future for all life”. It was selected by the Convention on Biological Diversity to build momentum for the Post 2020 Global BioDiversity Framework expected to be approved later this year.
The Canadian government has annually re-affirmed its commitment to recognizing this day, as the former Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson stated in his 2021 address. Canada’s goals to preserve and maintain biodiversity and ecosystems across our country include a goal of adding up to 1 million additional square kilometers of protected and conserved lands by 2025, with a goal of 25% of all our nation’s wetlands and ecosystems protected by that year. Through Budget 2021, Canada has pledged 4.1 billion dollars to the cause of maintaining and preserving biodiversity and ecosystems.
The Sierra club continues to support the International Day for Biodiversity in a number of ways, from programs to research. If you are wondering how you can take part and support the day as well, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has, appropriately enough, 22 actions one can take to participate. You can find the entire list on their website; Sierra Club Canada is committed to making a difference for all life on earth. We are looking to all of us to make a difference for genes species and ecosystems. Stay tuned as we develop and engage on actions to help Mother Earth and all life that calls our planet home.Have fun, stay safe, take action, drink water, and remember that biodiversity matters!